Monday 23 September 2013

Kiran Patel, graphic design, Unit 3, Saul Bass,375x360.jpg,375x360,ffffff.jpg,375x360,ffffff.jpg 
These posters are inspired by Saul Bass and show his minimal style through other movie title

This is the first mood board which represents superhero costumes/identities.

This is the second mood board which represents fighting by showing black silhouettes etc.

This is the third mood board which represents the city and the dark/ black theme

This is the fourth mod board which represents villains and henchmen.

This brainstorm shows all of the ideas and themes I came up with in our groups of four and I finalized it with colour and pens.

These initial thumbnails and sketches represent batmans themes and I will use some of them in the final story board

This is the initial story board and shows some of the sketches and which I have developed from the previous thumbnail and sketch page.

This is the first images of the story board which shows Bruce behind a window and has the title on the mansion, long shot, zooms into the window.

This is the second image of the story board which shows Bruce close up with credits to the side of him, medium shot, moves to the lobby showing him walking.

This is the third image of the story board which shows bruce walking in the lobby and down the stairs, zooms into his feet and spins around, long shot

This is the fourth image one story board which shows Bruce's foot with two sets of credits, medium shot, foot moves.

This shows all of the first four images of the finalised story board.

This is the fifth image of the story board which shows the foot moving, with two sets of credits, medium shot, moves into the basement.

This is the sixth image of the story board which shows bruce going to open the cupboard with credits to the side of it, long shot, opens the cupboard.

This is the seventh image of the story board which shows Bruce taking out his batman suit from the cupboard with a credit at the side, medium shot, zooms into the mask whilst spinning.

This is the eighth image in the story board which shows batman on a ledge with credits to the side of him, long shot, moves into his face

This is all of the second set of four images for the finalised story board.

This si the ninth image of the story board which shows a close up of batman's face with credits to the side of him, long shot, moves into him running.

This is the tenth image of the storyboard which shows batman running with credits on the building, long shot, zooms into his cape.

This is the elventh image of the story board which shows him running close up with credits in his cape, medium shot, moves across to him flying.

This is the last image of the story board which shows batman flying with credits on him, zooms out, long shot

This is all of the third set of four images from the finalised story board.